This is a small complement site to another site called "It Probably Wasn't Important Anyway". Here I'll expand upon my movie listings on the parent site and make some informal, stream of consciousness notes on my thoughts. Think of it as Gonzo movie reviewing.

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Some brief thoughts on Lawrence of Arabia

I think I shall need some more time to really digest what I have just seen. So this is not so much a review as a 'There will be a review in the future.' I feel like I have been hit with a sledge-hammer. This movie did not give me what I expected. Thusly, it is a better film for it. It subverted my expectations in such a way that I left satisfied not pissed[see the final two entries in the Matrix 'trilogy'(yes I realize that is in quotes)]

- Lawrence as a character is far more complex than talk of this movie led me to believe. In fact the whole affair(the film) is anything but simple.
- The 'capture and torture' scene was... Unsettling. Not in a The Deer Hunter way. More in a Pulp Fiction way. Only less gratuitous.
- This may be the finest epic I have ever seen.

July 28
Morning, Living room TV


*Note: There shall be a full review in this space once I have given the film time to stew. I'm looking at a week here. This way I can rewatch the movie and then fully form my thoughts. I'm sorry but this feature has blown me away.


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