This is a small complement site to another site called "It Probably Wasn't Important Anyway". Here I'll expand upon my movie listings on the parent site and make some informal, stream of consciousness notes on my thoughts. Think of it as Gonzo movie reviewing.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

The Butterfly Effect (2004)

Directors: Eric Bress & J. Mackye Gruber
Starring: Ashton Kutcher, Melora Walters, Amy Smart & Elden Henson

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Man, it's a shame when a good idea sells out like this one did. I can safely say that these filmmakers sold-out without a guilty conscience on my part because I watched the interviews on the disc. They sprinkled their speaking time with bullshit phrases like "high concept script" and how child abuse means so much to them. Here's some advice: don't make a film about fucking time travel if you want to deal with child abuse. You also don't let Ashton Kutcher play your leading man. I could understand casting him if it was his TV-to-film debut. The kid wants to prove his chops. He's got more riding on it. By the time this movie started filming, however, Kutcher had already proven himself as kind of a one-trick pony. Perhaps it was fitting casting, though, because the script has the same kind of one trick gimmick going itself. A great premise that turned into a mediocre script with a bad actor, The Butterfly Effect should have been so much more than it turned out to be. The DVD rubs this fact in the viewer's face, too, as it has several documentary-like features where prominent scientists in various fields speak passionately about the possibilities of chaos theory. The butterfly's wings that led to this one getting made should only get cancer.

March 10
apartment TV, afternoon

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Blogger matt said...

wow... i can't believe you have a movie review blog too! :) although, one thing that i thought was amazing in the butterfly effect was amy smart's performance. i thought she was great.

4:08 PM

Blogger Drew said...

Yeah. I clearly haven't contributed to this guy in a while (nor did I proofread my entries before posting when I did contribute, apparently).


10:42 PM

Blogger Nic said...

Mayhaps we should dust the old girl off, no?

I have lots of movie time now that my theatre tenure has passed.

Also, a slew of horror movies to review. Annie likes her the slash and gore.


2:31 PM


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